Great Kindness Challenge
"Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind."
Henry James

In January, our school decided to join in on The Great Kindness Challenge that was going on around the country. The goal is simple - Be Kind! Students, teachers, staff and parents were all engaged in acts of kindness. Even after the week had ended the kindness continues to grow and become part of our daily lives.
Check out this website to see how your family can get involved:
Here are some ways that we encouraged kindness at our school:

Give someone a hug
Make a card for your teacher
Help someone who has dropped something
Give a nice compliment
Play with someone new
Sit by someone new at lunch
Give a silent wave and smile
Say “hi” to someone new
Thank an adult at school for something they do
Write a positive note to a classmate
Let someone go before you in line
Push in someone’s chair
Hold a door open for someone
Kindness Matters!